So you are a youper. See some of us pay attention.
hi friends ,.
is it just me or do others on this forum like to know where posters are from ?
what country state or region you are from ?
So you are a youper. See some of us pay attention.
archie bunker from all in the family was considered by many as a racist.
there are still many people who think and act like him.
of course, in today’s world, there are many extremes.
Better. Obama was in fact half arab half hippie chick . I wish he hadn't gone the black route. Things like blm. His dealings with foreign policy was more sensible until he started paying bribes.
Colin Powell and Condoleezza rice had the good sense to stay away. I liked both
hi friends ,.
is it just me or do others on this forum like to know where posters are from ?
what country state or region you are from ?
Mountain west US
Unhappily we mostly have to be cautious ( paranoid ). An odd taste in music , Movies and food could be a giveaway
it’s always been 10 hours when door to door was active.
i’m curious of how it’s changed with only letter writing and phone witnessing approved.. i’m curious if they are able to do it for 3 hours like a typical door to door morning.
i would be surprised.
Piece work. Takes maybe 20 minutes to compose and write a letter, address an envelope, stamp it. Then run a copy machine. 9 letters is 3 hours.
what does everyone think will happen next on the back of the coronavirus pandemic?.
these are my suggestions;.
1) coronavirus will have a disproportionate effect on jw ‘growth’ countries like in south america and africa.
2. 3. 5. 10
Lots of vacations when this is over for the better off
our loco-needs this month was on apps, yes apps, the apps you use, that is, now catch this---"not by the governing body"!
did wt stop saying watchtower???
an app not by the governing body.
I hear a lot of: " the slave". They leave off the master.
I think that Christian congregation is a legality dodge to obscure the money transfers
from a trustfull source: .
87 jw's dead due to corona in the netherlands.. tested victems.
Are their tests honest? Or like the US where they count deaths with c19 but not necessarily from c19
from a trustfull source: .
87 jw's dead due to corona in the netherlands.. tested victems.
Too bad. You can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. all it takes is a decision to evacuate to the hall. My congregation was the only one in the city to keep meeting. All it would have taken was one carrier showing up. The special cleaning was slipshod. Every group can fall into a trap, not just JWs.
stay in period.
get deliveries of necessities so you dont go to store.
no contact except phone.
Stay in period. Get deliveries of necessities so you dont go to store. No contact except phone. Wear your mask ALL the time. Engage in letter work. Do not watch the news on tv..
About a month behind the local authorities' recommendation. Things are loosening, the infection rate and mode is still a big question.
If you need help go to the world!! the local food help is a coordinated thing of the gov. , salvation army, LDS, and some other charities. Wonder if I can get on tv standing in line at the LDS stake.
anyone ever hear of someone getting dfed in a congregation then moving cross country and joining another jw congregation and not telling them you were dfed.
If I ever had a chance I would become a slacker pew protestant of some sort. The kind of person who doesnt go, but holds the common practices. Sing hymns, xmas, haloween, have an obscure past. It wouldnt work, we carry too much baggage even without family.